1. Does United Way take any fees from my designated donation?
No. United Way does not take any administrative fees from donor-designated gifts. 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit you choose.
2. How often are designated donations paid out?
We make every effort to distribute designated donations on a quarterly basis to ensure timely support for the nonprofits you choose.
3. What happens if I designate my gift to a nonprofit that is ineligible?
If a designated nonprofit is ineligible to receive funds (e.g., not a registered 501(c)(3) or unable to accept donations), we will make every effort to contact you for an alternate designation. If we are unable to reach you, your donation will be directed to the San Juan United Way Community Fund to support local programs where the need is greatest.
4. What is the San Juan United Way Community Fund?
The Community Fund, sometimes called the Impact Fund, is the most effective way to make a broad impact, as it supports local programs and initiatives addressing our community’s most pressing needs.